On our first day in India, we honestly thought the taxi drivers were lost and we were beginning to panic, as they drove us around and around in no particular direction. At no stage did they talk to each on radios. But, as it turns out, trust the process......all they wanted was for our enterage to turn up at the hostel at the same time..all 8 taxis! How weird. So here is the adventure of me in India, along with my mate Jill (pictured) and the other Aussies.
Jill and I got up to heaps of mischief. We ate bang lassies in Jaipur (we went a bit bananas and hid in our hotel room, until Jill jumped on her bed and said "We can hide in here all day or go outside and face the bastard!"), tried to get a boat ride at the Pune Boat Club (which turned out to be so called because it was a gentleman's club by a river, sans boats...we were chased off the premises) and were surrounded by a mob of 200 young boys at a Ramudam festival (v. scary actually - we took sanctury in a walled garden until the police arrived). But amongst all this jolly japery, we were there for a serious note.....
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